Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cleanse Day 2

Cleanse day 2 started off badly.

I did that thing I do of going to bed at 9 pm, too early but because my body is hurting all over and I can't stand or do anything.  Then lying awake/thinking/maybe sleeping until midnight.  Woke up, was up till 2:30 AM (with energy- the only time I ever get energy).

But slept fairly well once I fell asleep again, slept in till 11:30 AM (holy shit, that's a record).  I'm very sleep deficient in this hot weather.  It was a good dreamy sleep, this has happened to me many times and is kind of weird.

But what started cleanse Day 2 off badly was the decision to try the 'colon cleanse'- with lemon.  It gave me diahhrea instantly.  I was enamored that I drank from the cup of nasty nasty looking stuff and 'barely tasted it!'.  But, my body knew what was underneath and put up an instant protest.  Dunno why I react quite so badly to herbs. 

I might try it again with a teeny 1/4 teaspoon with lemon with maple syrup / honey / ginger.  That would be interesting if the ginger calmed my stomach. 

Then I needed to eat since my stomach hurt.  And I got around to something I have barely done in my life- cooking!

I made lentils from Trader Joes (combine with broth, 'white wine' which I used white vinegar and olive oil instead).  They don't taste great, although texture wise they did come out almost fully cooked.  I added a lot of spices- smoky spice, and lemon pepper.  At the end I added arugula, and made veggies - broccoli, red onion, mushroom, tomatoes.  The mushrooms smelled great, I used butter to cook.  Could've cooked a bit longer and cut smaller, but in general it feels successful.  The butter in the mushroom veggie mix smells really good.  I've never cooked with butter before, I typically always use oil. 

Yesterday I mostly ate salad, I forgot about the protein of lentils/green beans/peas, so that will make the diet much better.  Hopefully seriously hopefully I won't have a bunch of diahhrea on this diet, that would suck.  I know from past diets my body doesn't like to many vegetables.  I probably need to find something starchy, asap to make myself feel okay.

Wish I could find ginger candies that don't have quite so much sugar.  Hell I could eat them morning and night, my stomach always hurts.

Day 2

Breakfast- Attempted a tea of 'colon cleanse', honey, lemon but died immediately after drinking it.  And in my regular diet, I don't get diahhrea anymore so that really sucked since it was a change for the worse.  For food, had a little bit of canned pineapple with berries and ginger candy. 
Lunch - Lentils and vegetables (tomato, onion, mushroom, broccoli, arugula - with butter)
Dinner- I was full for a long time.  Dinner was more like dessert- grilled platains (yummy)
Dessert - Late night- squash and ice cream because I started getting nauseous, unfortunately.  shitty cheap mint ice cream.  First ''bad' thing I've eaten in two days

whoops, all in all, that's not near enough vegetables.  I got so full on lentils, I didn't realize how much lentils I was eating versus everything else.

Water- I will try.  I think I did pretty well.
Exercise - hopefully I will jog.  I couldn't, I jogged very little.  My upper back is horribly tight from sleeping badly.  To be fair, that might've loosened up if I did something more variable aerobic.
Supplements- same as Day 1 - multivitamin,

My body yesterday hurt too much to even use the foam roller - my back is all jacked from sleeping badly in hot nights, which I hate.  I need total cool to get to sleep.  Wish I could figure out what to do.

My neck is better than usual.  I laid my neck over a pillow to get it to curve, and various pops and things occurred; it feels better now.  Ironically, the left side of neck issue transferred to the right side.

Wondering if I have fibromyalgia ...

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