Sunday, September 30, 2018

Another incidence of the ER thing; but it was a short one

I felt the pumping feeling, after having gotten muscle spasms in my neck and jaw.

It wasn't a bad one, it only lasted an hour.  The pumping/rushing feeling actually felt good.. pain relief.

The very last thing I had eaten was a box of raspberries and a sip of wine.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Didn't get my period on 09/22

Didn't get it, it would have been a month from the last time.

So I took Brintellix and we will see what happens, if I get it again.  I took Brintellix 10 mg for 3 days only.  I had bad dreams but I also think I was having bad dreams before it too.

So-- update in a couple weeks..
I hope I get it!  It makes me happy.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Times I went to Moishe House (and thus had alcohol)

The first date, I'm not sure. Possibly: May 8

The following dates:
July 20
Aug 17 (I think I skipped this one when I was feeling really bad with symptoms..)
Sept 15

edited: nah, I tried some more wine but it didn't bring on any symptoms.  hmph.

Another incidence of the muscle spasms /wierd ER head thing

Began 09/16.
To go into a few details:

I was constipated beginning 09/15.  It was odd but I didn't think much of it.
Day of 09/16 - Was doing perfectly fine.  Took codeine along with Neurontin, something I had tried out the last two days.  Around 4 pm, got really nauseus, threw up, and then also had all this pain relief throughout my body, but sick feeling.  Figured that it was due to the Codeine, a side effect of Codeine is nausea, but I had taken Codeine the day before and not had nausea.
Head started really hurting, enough that I was vocally going 'ahh, ahh', and staying out of light from the TV.  I was nauseus.  I forced myself to eat a chocolate bar and I felt better a few hours later and went to sleep.  I woke up at 6AM which is strange for me.

Currently- getting muscle spasms, ow!  Not very nauseus, but a little.  Definitely not getting that rushing feeling which is also pain-relieving.

I'm getting tested for Variegate Porphyria today.. hope to heck that it IS so that I can get a diagnosis!.


edit: I am not on birth control so its not that.  I didn't change my meds significantly.. I did try codeine, could that have been the culprit?  But, I didn't have codeine the other two times it happened this year.

EDIT: Test for Porphyrins was negative, so its not Porphyria :(