Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cleanse Day 1

I'm starting a 21 day cleanse, through the Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse guidelines.

I have an extremely long and bothersome list of complaints, mental and physical, which I am hoping will become regulated and decrease during this detox / cleanse.

I've tried elimination diets.  I had a big benefit when I stopped eating rice (which my Genova blood test listed as a moderate allergy).   I noticed some benefit when I stopped eating grains (wheat/corn/soy/etc) but I wasn't able to keep up with that at the time.  Both times, my mind slowed.

I barely eat vegetables at all. 

I consider myself to not have the patience to stand up and cook because my body hurts.  It hurts all the time.  It doesn't ever feel light enough to just stand.  When I stand, I shift around, and want to sit or lay down so I don't have to hold up my body weight.  This is part of the reason I don't cook, the other is that cooking is unfamiliar and I don't have the mental stamina to deal with it.

Complaints- dry skin, itchy eyes, poor sleep, not getting tired at night, waking up from sleep in total pain, thinking all the time, a million different body knots, digestive problems- needing to eat constantly or else I got nauseous, particularly, needing bready carbs to feel better, I can't eat anything acidic - no alcohol, coffee, or fruit. Total pain in all parts of my body - muscular, joints, bones.  Nightmares, food comas, needing to drink excessive water to prevent food comas, excessive TMJ that really hurts, painful ears, back and neck pain, forehead and temples pain (but not a headache), low appetite, constantly cold feet, trouble moving, driving hurts due to back pain, PCOS > head hair doesn't grow as a result of treatments, my head hair and eyebrow hair fall out all the time, really dry lips, really hoarse voice throughout the day.  Thinking around the clock without being able to stop, with the exception of after food coma naps.  Chewing is hard due to TMJ. Asthma- breathing trouble that may or may not be due to TMJ but is getting worse.  I have no energy, ever.  I don't know what it is to have energy.  I am slow sluggish, hoarse, and freaking unhappy. 

These complaints have been going on for a decade.  In high school, I never wanted to stand and had back pain and poor skin.


Last year my gut inflammation levels were off the charts.  I tested negative for any diseases such as Chrohn's or Lupus, however.  I went on elimination diets but never got my body pain to stop.  One test says I'm allergic to rice, almonds and flax.  The other says I'm allergic to wheat, soy, corn, sesame, walnuts, peanuts.  I currently eat plenty of these foods and haven't noticed any averse effects to my digestion, but constant body pain. 

This year, an acupuncturist said my adrenals were fatigued, as evidenced by poor pupil response to lights.  The Chinese explanation for me is yin deficiency, causing liver (detox) overwhelm.  That would make me think I need to eat things that will support my liver.

I am just finishing a 6 week of personal training which made me stronger at first, and then not after that.  I was eating more protein than ever.  I am a little sad to lose that muscle for this diet, but I've already been losing it.  It didn't make my body feel any better though.

Day 1 -

Last night it was hot.  I couldn't sleep, watched TV without getting tired, woke up at 4 AM not knowing if I had been sleeping or awake.  Changed bedrooms, and slept very well (cooler) until 7:25 AM.  TMJ was less bad than usual but still hurt. 

Breakfast -Banana.  Little bit of a mix of canned pineapple, goat cheese and silk milk.
Lunch- This ridiculous cool 'pressed juice froyo' - fruits and veggies.  Made me feel sick.
Lunch #2- Large salad- arugula and red butter lettuce, onion, tomatoes, little bit of canned wild salmon, olive oil and olives, salt and pepper.
Dinner- more of the salad, with avocado.
After dinner- another canned pineapple/silk milk/berries.
Late night 1 AM snack- alot of olive pieces, plain

Water- I didn't drink enough water throughout the day, that was dumb.  I tried but it still wasn't enough.

Walked some with Pepper. Body fucking hurts.  Wanted to go running but in the end, didn't.  Was wiped from the beach sun, too.

Chewy multivitamin, pantoprazole (PPI for stomach), biotin 10,000 mg, lutein

Whats going to make this cleanse harder - I can't just drink juices.  I have a digestive problem where I constantly need carbs to feel okay.  Especially after exercise, yoga, or when I haven't eaten in an hour or longer.  It just gets worse until I eat, but in the past fruits haven't made it stop.  What am I going to do about this?  (I am allowed to eat lentils/green beans/peas, so I can do that). 
I'm not used to eating vegetables.

Weight- 120 pounds, flat.

Hopes/Expectations - Body pain will decrease as inflammation from my food allergies decreases.  I'll start to get vitamins and nutrients from vegetables that I've never had, leading my various body complaints to calm down.  Hopefully digestive problems will calm down, I'm currently taking a PPI (acid blocker) because its too much.  Mind will shut the goddam fuck up.  Hair will (please) start growing again.  I won't even mention PCOS.  I just need the body pain to stop.

Concerns / Considerations:
What supplements to take? There are so many choices.  There's the Standard Process 5 different supplements: a whey powder, a gastro-fiber, a greens, and a liver/kidney supplement.
There's infyzyme, which I've been presecribed.
There's vegetarian digestive enzymes (bromelain/papelain as anti-inflammatories)
There's fenugreek, garlic, ginger for digestive health.
There's omega's for anti-inflammatories.
There's basic multivitamins.
There's melatonin, probably necessary if I don't eat enough protein.
fudge, that's a lot of choices.

I'll likely go too hard on exercise.  Never mind, I don't even have the body capacity to go too hard. 

I could just do my physical therapy routine once again (stretching and exercises) and stick to that.  I can jog and that's easy.  But I probably shouldn't do weights, feels too taxing.


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