Monday, November 18, 2013

How Yoga Works - Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a great practice for the connection of so many important things - body, mind, and soul.  See some of the benefits of taking part in a yoga practice.

Yoga is great exercise.  The poses will test your body strength and engage your core muscles.  Yoga makes you strong from the inside out.  Active yoga -hatha yoga- provides a continuous flow of movement.  Cardio exercise will benefit your heart and give you a well earned sense of pride in your body.  In addition to strengthening, the lengthening and stretching in the poses increases flexibility and balance.   Yoga includes many forms and levels of exercise that are accessible and beneficial, regardless of fitness level.

Yoga encourages embodiment.  Having a connected body and mind is an important goal for personal wellness.  So many of our mental struggles from life not going our way keep us living in our heads.  Yoga reminds you to focus and become aware of your body.  Reach out your heart as you expand the possibilities of your body.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Focus on that and feel it.  The breathwork lets you connect to your body during the poses. 

Yoga leads you away from mental dullness.  The practice of focusing your mind to the poses, engaging your body, steadying yourself in a pose when you are off balance, is excellent practice for life.  Yoga helps you reground, and find your center.  With clarity and intention, you can find more ways to be present and available to experiences. 

You can find a community through yoga.  Yoga studios offer community benefits and events in addition to ongoing classes.  You can gain the support of a community through meeting friends.  Opportunities to socialize as well as self develop go hand in hand.  Reaching out is a great way to benefit yourself and others.  

Yoga lays the groundwork to connect with yourself from the mat up.

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