Thursday, January 25, 2018

first time taking an antibiotic

It's been crazy.  I took it for four days and had all sorts of shit happen that I didn't attribute to the meds (my bad; well, my doctor's bad for not telling me that antibiotics can have all sorts of side effects.)

I got alot of muscle relief, similar to the antifungal, but even more so.
But, I got a seriously terrible amount of headache, gas, and discomfort.

So, it was a die-off reaction?  What the hell do I even have?
I'm actually pretty scared that I've secreted a bunch of toxins into my system now, and could have long-term effects of that. Who knows?  And what happened to being a nature lover who wanted to be all natural blah blah, and now I'm just going full- scale western med on whatever I have.  sad.

I was taking it for my vaginal infection, but its giving me all these systemic effects.

I wish I knew more about medicine.  This sucks.

It also sucks that I keep being so totally wrong about my healthcare.  For example. being sure that my back pain was psychosomatic "because 80% of pain is human created" (Sadhguru), and "80% of back pain is psychosomatic" (that book about psyhcosomatic pain.

And just now- being so sure I had the stomach flu, (and telling people that!), when in fact I was having a response to flagyl.   God, I just have no flipping idea when it comes down to it.  My doctor knows more than I do.  Although, he never seemed to think that I had a rogue infection causing my problems..

update- I learned later over the week that the reason I was having such as insane reaction wasn't ONLY the fact that I was taking the antibiotic.  It had something to do with taking the antibiotic along with the antidepressant.  When I stopped taking the antidepressant a few days later, my head returned to normal and my headaches went away.  Sadly, my incredible releasing muscles went away too, it was related.  My doctor said 'too much serotonin'.  hmph. 

While this whole incident was pretty strange (who knew that antibiotics could have an effect on antidepressants), I was actually on only half of the lowest dose of the antidepressant Trintellix.  Can you imagine, I would have been out of my mind had I been taking to full dose..

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