Sunday, February 24, 2013

Judging People

I write this post knowing that I am NOT the only one who does this ...

First off - I love reading youtube comments because I love watching what other people are thinking of the same person.  They are often the same comments as mine, but sometimes they have backstories.  For example, what the music makes them think of.

Basically everything in youtube comments are judgements.  Where else do we better have the option to see what everyone's judgements of other people are?  Of their work, their entertainment value, but also of their bodies.

You can't get through a youtube video without commenting on the person.  You just can't.  It makes sense, the audience is staring into another person talking, who could help but comment on looks?

Here's what I've noticed - beauty is exalted.  Beauty is talked of - she's so pretty - her eyes/ hair / voice/ laugh.  Lack of beauty is not said outloud, but it could be noticed in its absence.  A less than beautiful person is simply not commented on so much on their appearance.  Adele gets so many comments on her voice, but only a few 'big boned and beautiful' type comments about her looks. 
The silence does say something.

Its not, is it?  Its, everybody just wants to comment on the professors personality and looks.  Isn't that all we want; just a big comment board; isn't gossip all just talking about another person?

Everyone is beautiful, though.

It is interesting though, at what point someone becomes an object versus at what point you are looking at them for the first time and learning, describing, forming judgements, and taking in.  Then soon enough, they are simply familiar and you stop looking at all the parts - the eyes, the face, and only see a whole.  That concept you judge less so than in the beginning because, whether you like the person or not, you are accepting of them as they are, as an object.

I find that I accept everybody, even the ones I don't like, for their personality, as they are.  And yet for myself, I am constantly wanting change, wishing I were someone and something other than I am.  How could I behave so differently towards myself than towards others?

Lastly, the idea that being short is awful, because bigger is better.  What it comes down to is that, humans are obsessed with humans.  Being larger is more to see, more human, and we like that.  Bigger eyes, bigger breasts, and longer bodies are all more.  This is why being short feels like a detriment to me.

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