Sunday, February 3, 2013

Can Flow be Eternal?

Here's a question I pose to the internet masses who have yet to comment on my blog.  hint hint

So at a yoga retreat I remember being told that from a teacher that really, what most people are looking for out of yoga is lasting happiness.  The happiness that is true bliss, that doesn't fade moment to moment, that doesn't require attachment to an object to keep it going.  The happiness that is fullness and content but does not go away into the next moment of slightly less than happiness, and then longing and wishful thinking for what was had.  The happiness that is never the slightest bit detracted from, and which no and nothing, no circumstances, can take away from you.   
So given that goal of buddhism, I'm curious what others would wish for.  Maybe its because I can't see myself as being happy, but I was thinking it might be more fun to wish for a permanent state of flow.  Flow as in, total occupation with whats going on, without any extra unnecesary thoughts to detract from your experiences.  What would it be like to be in a permanent state of flow?  You'd be highly attentive, aware, and available to others.  You'd be extremely efficient, as well as acutely able to ascertain the needs of others and yourself since you aren't preoccupied with mind wander. 

Would this be tiring?  I'm not saying you're always on alert, so it shouldn't be tiring.  While it sounds hard to keep up, in theory it should be very freeing.  Because when you're in flow, you lack worries, anger, etc.  In fact do you even have emotions?  Or are you on neutral?  But is it different from autopilot?

What would you wish for eternally?  Just some of the ones I came up with were eternal happiness, eternal flow, eternal security, eternal life, eternal creativity.

Do please share, since, one of the reasons I  have this blog is to learn from others.  I notice that I also learn from myself through writing.  But moreso, I want to share myself with others. 

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