Date: 09/08/18
Food Item: Epicatechin; don't know the dose
Time Ingested: [ ]
Reaction No. 1: [ good reaction, felt like some of my muscles stopped being held tight, so that was interesting]
Date: 09/08/18
Food Item: Diatomaceous Earth, silica
Reaction No. 1: [ no bad reaction to taste or in body. Good reaction- Felt some muscle releasing, not sure if it was due to the diatomaceous earth or because I had recently ingested nortriptyline. Would be good to know the difference and keep in mind.. ]
What time did it end? [lasted a few min]
What time did it end? [lasted a few min]
Date: 09/07/18
Food Item: Potassium choline
Time Ingested: [ ]
Reaction No. 1: [ tasted bad, felt bad in my body until I burped 15 min later. No other reaction noted.]
What time did it start: [ ]
How severe was it? Scale 1-10: [ ]
What time did it end? [ ]
Mainly inhibitory items- GABA, L-theanine, Magnesium Glycinate, Potassium Glycinate
Date: 08/17/18
Mainly inhibitory items- GABA, L-theanine, Magnesium Glycinate, Potassium Glycinate
Date: 08/17/18
Food Item: GABA
Time Ingested: [ ]
Reaction No. 1: [ very slight reaction. Had ten seconds of feeling in my body. and had a bowel movement, which may or may not have been related. Did not get the feeling when I took more of it though]
What time did it start: [ ]
How severe was it? Scale 1-10: [ 1 ]
What time did it end? [ immediately ]
Date: 08/17/18
Food Item: Magnesium Glycinate
Time Ingested: [ 1/4 tsp ]
Reaction No. 1: [ no reaction ]
What time did it start: [ ]
How severe was it? Scale 1-10: [ ]
What time did it end? [ ]
Date: 08/17/18
Food Item: Taurine 500 mg pill
Time Ingested: [ 11:03 pm ]
Reaction No. 1: [ no reaction as of 5 min ]
What time did it start: [ ]
How severe was it? Scale 1-10: [ ]
What time did it end? [ ]
Food Item:
Time Ingested: [ ]
Reaction No. 1: [ ]
What time did it start: [ ]
How severe was it? Scale 1-10: [ ]
What time did it end? [ ]
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