I am starting on a new diet plan of elimination of most allergens/sensitivities/inflammatory foods. I am avoiding: rice, wheat, corn, soy, canola, egg, sesame, nuts, and peanuts as well as all raw fruits and vegetables (because her study is on fruits and vegetables).
And, once a day, I will be taking the supplement that Helen Harrison is providing me, which is supposed to help with gut health by making proteins that help grow connective tissue.
The hope is that this will fix my leaky gut, enabling me to eat foods which are actually good for me, which will further make me feel happy and healthy.
Here are my current health issues: My neck, jaw, back, and legs really hurt ALOT, and the rest of me hurts everywhere. The jaw pain is making it hard for me to chew and eat. The next pain hurts a lot and makes me scared of driving, and also hurts in nearly all activities- conversation (keeping my head up, looking at the computer or TV, at a book, walking, etc. The leg pain just hurts and makes it so that I can't stretch or rub my thighs or hamstrings. I never do runner's stretch anymore because its too tight. My back pain is making everything impossible. Sitting, being upright, walking (the farthest I walk now is to the mailbox and back, which causes me back pain). I KNOW its NOT NORMAL, I can't explain it, its just too tight and any movement of stretching makes it hurt. I don't exercise whatsoever. I am unable to lay on my back- my back is stuck arched and it really hurts.
It also really hurts when I am standing still. Therefore, most of my time is spent between sitting and lying down. It's about the most pathetic thing I ever imagined for myself.
My chest is always pushed forward, my neck is forward and chin raised/back of head dropped, but I can't bring it back. My neck is kind of killing me.
That was just muscular. Digestive issues- barely eat, no energy from food, unable to digest nearly all food (meat, rice, bread, fruits and veggies, anything cold, Clif bars, beans - they all make me feel uncomfortable and 'just sit there'). But, I'm never satisfied with food and always want to eat more. I open and close the fridge and pantry all day long, and as soon as I come back home from something. I'll never find what I'm looking for. Its my stomach that is the problem, not the food.
I basically have little in the way of bowel movements (every few days). They come out alright looking currently, although pale, but god it just takes forever to get one. Then, after I poop, my stomach will feel sick unless I eat something. I've had issues throughout my life of diarrhea, floating poop, other problems, but currently I don't have those issues.
My lymph nodes seriously hurt.
I don't have periods- that is a long-term issue. My testosterone is high and my facial hair is getting thicker and worse.
I am verging on hypothyroidism.
I hurt everywhere, a lot.
My sleep is impacted due to pain. I do not wake feeling refreshed. I never feel tired at night. I have all sorts of neck and pillow problems. I sleep on my side always. I am unable to lay on my back.
This is exacerbated by how much time I spend online, but that it adding to the issue, not the issue itself.
I find it hard to feel good.
No sex drive.
My mind just feels blech. Tired, not clear. Not interested in focussing on something because the positioning hurts my body. And I just don't feel like it. Don't feel like reading, writing, singing, learning something new, growing plants, being outside (but that is hard given pain).... just don't feel like any of it. Too much pain.
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